Monday, December 22, 2008

Transform YOURSELF With a new diet, excercise, and goals

Before at 255lbs After at 135lbs

This is YOUR year!! 2009 is the start to a new YOU! What are your goals?? Do you want to shed that extra layer of body fat, run a race, or do YOU want to transform YOURSELF?!?!? Well, I have news for you. This will be the year that you follow through! The time has come that YOU stop making excuses for why you have failed in the past. The past is the past and YOU need to focus on the here and the now. Today. What I am going to do Today to help myself achieve that goal?? Let's face it if we put off what we can do today until tomorrow,tomorrow will never come! It's kinda like when someone says "My diet starts Monday" Well, you know and I know Monday never comes. So, what YOU have to do today is take 5 minutes. Yes, that is what I said 5 minutes. Take those 5 minutes and go to a quite spot and write down your top 3 goals.


1. Lose Body Fat
2. Eat Healthy
3. Run a 5k

So, that is it. You have written them down. YOU are 1 step closer to achieving your goals. Well, now that you know what your goals are, the question is how are you going to achieve them?? A goal without a plan is simply just a dream. Don't get me wrong, dreams are wonderful. But, You don't want to just dream about having that dream body or dream about running that race. No, You want to follow through and achieve these goals! Now that you have 3 goals written down. You are going to write 1 specific thing under each goal that you can start doing now to help move you closer to achieving your goal.

1. Lose Body Fat
2. Start taking the right
Bodybuilding supplements
I will take 30 minutes 5 days a week and do some kind of cardiovascular exercise.

Start with baby steps. If you have not been physically active in awhile, start off slow. Get yourself out there and get moving. But, commit to doing something that will help move you forward in achieving your goal. Get excited, Get inspired!!! This is YOUR year!! YOUR year to transform yourself!! Check out some amazing inspiring transformations and many more at

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