Thursday, February 12, 2009

Guide to Burn more Fat

I was reading my Oxygen magazine, when I came across this great article on BURN MORE FAT. It is a guide to boosting your metabolism and shedding fat 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Follow this all day guide to maximize your calorie-burning potential.

6:45 a.m. : Take a supplement
When your body isn't getting enough from your diet,take a multivitamin,fish oil or vitamin D. These will really help to get your day started. Make sure your choose quality supplements. Supplements that are free of metals and pesticides.

7:00 a.m.: Eat some PROTEIN

"By eating breakfast, your literally breaking the fast, which will jump start your metabolism and keep it going throughout the day," says Melissa Hershberg,MD. Include a source of protein, since it burns hotter than other nutrients and requires your body to work harder to digest it. Basically, you burn more calories. A great source of protein is Whey protein. Also you can opt for egg whites or Cottage cheese for breakfast.

9:00 a.m.: Have a cup of GREEN TEA

If you are dragging a little bit and need to boost your energy try some green tea. Green tea has been shown to help people burn 80 more calories a day, says Davis Herber MD. Try adding in 3 cups of green tea a day.

10:00 a.m. : Make a little Snack

Try eating every 3-4 hours. A good eating "diet" is to try and eat 5-6 small meals a day. A few good ideas for snacks are : Celery with a little peanut butter. Cottage cheese with non-fat yogurt, Apple and string cheese, Cottage cheese with a little salsa. Or try some Hummus and carrots!!

12:00 p.m. : Take a walk or do some calisthenics during Lunch Break. Just get MOVIN!! But, make sure you leave time to eat. Grab a salad with some grilled chicken on it!

3:00 p.m. : Have a little Snack....Protein Shake...or try some hard boiled egg white ( you might not want to have these at the office..) Yogurt and Fruit. Remember this is a snack. So always watch your portions.

5:45 p.m. : Hit the Gym! Time to PLAY!!

Yay work is done now you can go to the gym and play. Release that stress from the day! Get in there and bust out some interval training. Aim for 40 minutes. Then see if you can add in another 20 minutes of weight training. Doing this you will surely rev up your metabolism and you will feel AWESOME when you are done!

7:00 p.m. : Dinner time try and add some spice!!

Try adding in some different spices. I can not live without cumin and Cayenne pepper! Add them to your chicken dishes. It is has been shown that adding in spices will heat up your metabolism. So try using cinnamon,cumin,pepper,garlic or cayenne! It will heat things up for sure!

7:45 p.m. : Clean up and Close up

Clean up the kitchen and close it down! Eating hours are OVER! Stop eating two to three hours before heading to bed. This way you give your food time to digest. Our metabolism slows down at night. So if we have any food that is undigested it will turn to FAT! So make sure you stop the snacking and munchies 2-3 hours before you "hit the hay!"

9:00-Time to unwind and relax

Take this time to relax and de-stress from the hectic day. Take a bubble bath. Enjoy a cup of tea (caffeine free..that is!) Or read a good book. Stress can be bad for your heart but it is also bad for your waistline. It has been shown that when stressed your body releases cortisol which makes you gain weight. So RELAX,RELAX,RELAX!!

10:00- BED TIME

Get your ZZZZZZ's! Studies have shown that lack of sleep results in weight gain. When you are tired you feel hungrier which makes you eat more. Not only that but, you crave sugar and carbs. So get your rest! Your body needs this time to recuperate! So stop depriving yourself of sleep!

I personally stick to a schedule similar to this and it has made a big difference in achieving my goals. Not only that but I feel GREAT!!! Try it out for a week...and believe me you will feel the difference. Keep up with it and within no time you will SEE a difference!!


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    Nice blog!!! Something that I find difficult is taking vitamins on an empty stomach. But I hear that's the best way to do it for it to be properly digested. I need to find ones that don't give me heart burn!!

    Good luck with everything!

    Kelly Newell

  3. Good blog
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